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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 4 - 99%
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During our lesson today we used a 'Conscious alley' to help give people advice. The children who walked down the 'alley' explained their problem and we had to give solutions to help them.

During our Jigsaw lesson this week, we talked about Mental Health. We worked in groups to share ideas about how we feel on good and bad days and discussed what we could do if we needed help.

We worked together in groups this week to plan a Charity Event. We will come back to this later in the year when we will choose which event to organise and run.

During our lesson today we had to act as Agony Aunts. One person shared a problem and the rest of us had to give advice to help them.

We were learning about Paralympians in our Jigsaw lessons this week. We had to research someone and share information about them. We talked about how inspirational the athletes are and what they can teach us.

This week we tried to understand some of the reasons why people use bullying behaviours. We used freeze frames to explore different situations and come up with strategies of how to deal with them.

During our Jigsaw lesson this week we had to try and explain some of the ways in which one person or a group can have 'power' over another. We used freeze frames to explore situations and talked about how to remove the 'power'.

This week (W/C 15th November) is Anti- Bullying Week. We had a discussion in class about what bullying is and what we should do if we see someone being unkind. Following this, we created posters to remind everyone to be kind!

Being Me In My World- 15th October. We had a scenario where two young children were involved in setting a bin on fire. We had to decide what punishment they should receive.

Being Me In My World- 9th September
