Here at St Bernadette we make every effort to be a fully inclusive school.
We welcome all children into our school community, aiming to support every child to reach their full potential, both academically and socially. We work alongside parents to ensure that we develop a good understanding of your child, their needs and how we can best support them.
The SEND Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Palmer and she has the responsibility for all SEND pupils. Please contact your child's class teacher if you have any concerns regarding your child who will be happy to discuss your concerns with you. If you would like to discuss your child's needs in more detail with the SENCO then please contact the office to make an appointment.
We understand that some children will need additional support at times or perhaps continuously in order to help them make progress. Teachers differentiate learning to best meet the needs and abilities of individual children within their class and specific interventions may be introduced where a child’s needs cannot be met by differentiation alone.
At St Bernadette we work in close partnership with a wide range of services and outside professionals. This allows us to devise appropriate programmes that enable children to access the support they need and make academic progress.
We believe that school, parents and outside agencies should work closely with the child, ensuring that they are included as far as is possible in decision making about their school life. We want your child to be happy, experience success, enjoy school, develop friendships and make progress in their learning, leaving St Bernadette as confident individuals ready for the next step in their educational journey.