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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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Yesterday we attended the Year 6 Leavers' Mass at Clifton Cathedral. It was a lovely celebration of our time in Primary School and made even more special because we were chosen to be the choir to sing during Communion. Some of us even go to speak to Bishop Declan!

Last week, the whole school took part in Art Week. We focused on 3D Art and held an exhibition in the hall. It was great to see everyone else's creations.

We had a very special treat this morning- as a whole school we were able to watch a production of 'The Hobbit'. The actors were fantastic and we especially loved the dragon!

We were so pleased to finally welcome parents back in to class. We held our first open session and shared all of the wonderful learning we have been dong with our parents.

To celebrate World Book Day, we were invited to come to school dressed as a book character or in our pyjamas. We enjoyed some great activities around books!

To celebrate the end of International Week, we visited the hall to see all of the wonderful learning produced by the other children in school. We loved seeing what everyone else had been busy creating!

We had a celebration this afternoon to mark the end of term- we danced, decorated biscuits and played games!

Julia and Olivia organised a KS2 Talent Show. They asked for children to pay £1 to enter and raised a brilliant £41! This will be sent to a local animal charity. We were blown away by the talents the children shared and were very proud of them. Well done everybody!

We were very excited to have Christmas lunch together today and even had a special guest. Thank you to 'The Friends of St Bernadette' for our Santa chocolate!
