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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

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Term Five

Climate Change Workshop

We had so much fun today with our visitor when we got to learn all about how our clothes can help make a difference with climate change. We learnt all about what's best to use and then we made different objects out of our bodies. It was so much fun! laugh

Andy Goldsworthy art patterns!

Coronation Party!

On Friday, before the long weekend, we celebrated the Coronation in the classroom. We watched a video teaching us all about King Charles, spoke about what we would do if we were King for the day and then had some yummy treats and watched a film! laugh

Andy Goldsworthy art patterns!

In Art we have been looking at Andy Goldsworthy who creates lots of different patterns and displays using natural materials. After we looked at all of his different art work, we went out into our garden to see what we could create using the materials we could find outside! Some of us managed to create some great spirals and whirls. laugh

Planting our own flowers!

We planted our own sunflowers in a pot so that we can watch a flower grow from the seeds. Before planting, we read all about how sunflowers grow and what plants need to grow. We made sure that we picked a sunny place in the garden where they can catch lots of the rays to help them grow. In the garden, we've also planted a tomato plant and a set of dahlia flowers! laugh

Finding plants in our garden!

After learning all about lots of plants like wild flowers, trees and bushes, we went out into our garden to see which ones we could find. There was a lot more than we thought! 
