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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

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Welcome Letter

Welcome to Year 1


In Year 1 our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Learning through play will continue to be an important part of the school day, and the children will gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. Please look at class pages for more information to support your child and for photos and information about your child’s learning in school.



Here are a few things you might like to know about our year group.



What will the children need in school?

Everyday each child should bring to school their book bag or a small bag containing their reading record and reading book. Books will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child reads to an adult every day.

Each child should have a named water bottle.



PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit.



Home Learning:

Home Learning is sent home and posted on the Year 1 Google Classroom each Tuesday. Home Learning consists of spellings from Monster Phonics, Doodle Maths and some tasks related to our topic. Please send Home Learning books in on Mondays.


Weekly spellings- TBA


Daily reading - each child will change their reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On the days when children do not change their books we encourage you to share discussions about the child's reading book to improve comprehension skills. Please ensure your child reads to an adult every day. 


Maths tasks:

Maths tasks are added to the Google Classroom. Children are encouraged to practise their Numeracy skills by completing 10 minutes a day on Doodle Maths. 



Show and Tell:

We love hearing about all of the exciting things that do at home. Please post any pictures to the class stream on our Google Classroom and will share your news with the class.

