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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

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The Hub

The Hub 

‘The Hub’ is the name we have given to the classroom in the KS1 playground.  It is a space we use to run interventions or alternative provision for small groups of children.


Children may access this resource if they need extra support in areas such as communication, social skills, listening and attention, problem solving, recognising and managing emotions and team work/cooperation.


Some children may learn in this space for the whole of their school day, while for others it may be an afternoon session.


In the children’s words;


“It’s for relaxing.  If you’re feeling a bit mad you can use the sensory room to calm down”


“I find it less stressful than the classroom because there are less people in there”


“You can play there with other children and it makes you feel happy again if you were feeling sad”


“We do meditation and circle time and focus activity and free time.  Meditation makes me feel happy”


“I like using the bouncer to go all around the hub!”


“It helps us learn how to be kind and make more friends”


“It’s a place I go after lunch.  We start with meditation to be calm.  It’s a fun place but we have to take turns to speak so we can listen properly”
