Girls may like to wear a blue summer dress in the warmer months with white socks. They can also wear grey or black shorts, trousers and skirts. Jumpers and cardigans need to be the royal blue school colour but do not have to have the logo on. The same goes for white polar shirts.
Shoes need to be black with a velcro strap. All hair accessories should also be blue, white or black.
Boys need to wear white polar shorts on top with a royal blue jumper. They can wear black or grey trousers and shorts on the bottom. Shoes need to be black with a velcro strap.
PE kits
For PE, they will need black or grey shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings with a plain white t shirt. They can wear trainers or daps but they need to be plain black with NO LACES.
During the colder/wetter months, children will need to bring in a pair of wellies and an overall/puddle suit. Children may wish to bring in a fleece or school hoody. Don't forget hat, scarf and gloves when it gets really cold!
You will also need a backpack, bookbag and water bottle
It's also very important to pack spare pants and socks as well as some clean, comfortable clothes to change into in case of any accidents. Leggings, jogging bottoms and t shirts would be best.