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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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Term 2

As part of our Kingdom of Benin topic, we created a piece of clay artwork. We were challenged to make a Benin plaque- we discussed what animals were used to represent the Oba and his glory as well as what might be included on a plaque of an Oba.

We created stained glass windows linked to our Advent learning. We had to think carefully about what symbols we might use and what colours would be most appropriate.

This term the children have been organising their own Liturgical Prayer. Twice a week, 4 children are chosen to plan and prepare, thinking carefully about creating a prayer table, deciding what reading to use and choosing am appropriate activity. Each group has worked incredibly well together.

In our PSHE lesson this week we were trying to explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict and a cause for celebration. We were given different scenarios where we had to identify the source of conflict and then create a solution.

We were very excited to come together for our Christmas Lunch. It was lots of fun creating our Christmas hats and we were very excited when Santa mad an appearance! Thank you to Mrs Brennan for a delicious lunch and to the Friends of St Bernadette for our chocolate!

This week we tried to understand some of the reasons why people use bullying behaviours. We used freeze frames to explore different situations and come up with strategies of how to deal with them.

During our Jigsaw lesson this week we had to try and explain some of the ways in which one person or a group can have 'power' over another. We used freeze frames to explore situations and talked about how to remove the 'power'.

We had our very first 'Free Write Friday' today. It was very exciting to have the chance to write about whatever we wanted and couldn't wait to share our ideas with each other. We can't wait for the next one!

To mark Remembrance Day, we learnt about the different coloured poppies. We created 3D poppies by cutting out templates and writing information about what the different colours represent. We are going to hang them in our Prayer area.

We were great team workers in Science again this week. We all had the chance to come up with our own investigation to find what effect the number of components would have on a circuit. We all created different circuits and found out that the more components you have, the dimmer the bulb/ the slower the motor and the quieter the buzzer!

Father Matt joined us in school for our first Class Mass of the year. It was lovely to have the opportunity to celebrate 'Saints' and to talk to Father after Mass. We asked him lots of questions and shared what we have been learning about in our RE lessons.

This term in Computing we are learning about what makes a good website. This week we had to look at the different layout features available in Google Sites and planned own web page.

We had a visitor from British Red Cross this week. We had a 'Coping with Challenges' workshop where we discussed our ideas on strategies to help us when we face tricky situations. We shared some great ideas and then had to take part in a group challenge: creating a zoo. During the activity we were stopped and given instructions like: Only use your left hand to draw; no talking; only include animals smaller than a dog. It was hard at times but we showed really great team work skills and were able to solve all of the problems that came our way!

We had a very exciting Science lesson this week- we worked in pairs to explore circuits. We were given a pack of equipment and had to try and make a working circuit. Although it was a little tricky, we all managed to make our bulbs/ buzzer/ motor work!

Our Art topic this term is 'Exploring African Art'. In our first lesson we were exploring natural patterns and had to try and recreate them using different mediums.
