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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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History/ Geography

We used atlases to locate places where there had been an earthquake and then marked them on our maps. As a challenge, some of us used a key to identify the magnitude of the earthquake.

We learnt about different types of extreme weather and created an 'Interactive Vocappulary' to explain each type.

As part of our 'Extreme Earth' topic, we learnt about the Water Cycle. We worked in groups to create posters to help people understand the different stages.

As part of our learning about The Victorians, we visited Sevington Victorian School. We were taken back to 1897 where we enjoyed Victorian lessons and recreational activities. Although Miss Squire was very strict, it was lots of fun!

We used the Chromebooks during our lesson today to help explore places in the Caribbean. Once we had found out lots of information, we compared the place we had chosen to Bristol.

Today we found out about the physical geography of the Caribbean islands. We explored lots of the natural wonders and created posters to share what we learnt.

Today we enjoyed a Caribbean fruit salad!

As part of International Week, we were lucky enough to be involved in a dance workshop organised by Miss Dickins. We learnt a Native American Dance which was lots of fun!

To launch International Week we all created flags linked to the countries we are learning about. We all came together for a whole school flag parade.

Today we used atlases to help us locate the capital cities of the countries in North America.

We were great team workers this afternoon during our Geography lesson. We created posters about the Wonders of North America using the Chromebooks to help us find pictures and information.

To mark Remembrance Day, we learnt about the different coloured poppies. We presented our information on 3D poppies which will be hung in our Reflection area.
