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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 4 - 99%
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Term 5

We had a workshop with the NSPCC this week. We were very sensible when discussing very serious topics and shared some great ideas.

As part of our topic 'Extreme Earth' we created 3D models of a tornado.

We were very patient today when following instructions on how to draw the King's Crown. We think they look fantastic!

During our PSHE lesson we played 'The Elf Game' which helped us think about how it might feel to be left out. We then talked about different situations that might be challenging and thought of ways that we could get help.

To begin our new Geography topic, Extreme Earth, we had a hunt for facts around the classroom.

To celebrate the King's Coronation, we had a picnic of treats in class!
