Welcome to our wonderful pre-school nursery at
St Bernadette Primary School.
Our aim is to provide a welcoming, friendly and secure setting where your child can thrive and gain the important skills they need for life, skills such as learning to be independent, being kind and respectful of others and in developing qualities such as perseverance, confidence and enthusiasm. We welcome children from 2 years and ten months old.
The children will learn through play and first-hand practical experiences and be offered the opportunity to take part in a variety of experiences that will enhance their skills and knowledge. Through the activities we provide we want our children to discover and develop ways to express themselves, explore, experiment and have fun
Our sessions are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, 9am-3pm Wednesday 9am -12pm
Wednesday 12-3pm Thursday, Friday 9am-3pm
Full-time: Monday-Friday 9am -3pm
(Any changes to sessions booked will need a terms notice and is subject to availability)
Pre school breakfast club 8.30-9 am £2.50
Extended after school club 3pm -3.20pm £2.50
Both will need to be booked and paid for in advance though the school Arbor app.
If you would like to arrange a visit or view the Pre School, please email preschool.stbernadettep@bristol-schools.uk or call the school office on 0117 377 2373.