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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 4 - 99%
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We provide a broad and balanced Catholic curriculum. We know the importance of educating the ‘whole’ person and  that every pupil is unique , created in the image of God - it is why we believe that 'we live and learn through Christ.'


At St Bernadette, we aim to provide an environment where all children feel included and safe enabling them to access a curriculum that lays a firm foundation for future learning in preparation for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of life.


Our Curriculum Intentions are:

• To follow Christian principles to help children develop a social and moral ethos, as they build their sense of uniqueness and individual self-worth.

• To nurture talents, to encourage ambition and develop a good mindset to learning.

• To develop children’s understanding of their local and national heritage and their role in modern Britain today. To encourage them to embrace all that multi-cultural Britain has to offer and develop their understanding of the global world as a citizen of the 21st Century.

• To ensure a high priority for the fundamentals of reading, writing and mathematics every day and that these skills are used and practised across other subjects.

• To continually review our curriculum so that it supports the needs of our learners, e.g. the introduction of a multisensory phonic scheme of work to support early reading development.


Implementation: The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s vision and values:

• ‘Living and Learning through Christ’         

• Tolerance

• Respect

• Forgiveness

• Kindness

• Love of our neighbour.

The core of the curriculum is the National curriculum for Primary and Early Years Foundations Stage. The school’s curriculum has been developed to ensure coverage and progression of knowledge and skills throughout the school.


Curriculum maps plot the themes and topics for the academic year and provide clarity of what is being covered and when. This information is shared with parents as valued co-educators so that they can support at home.


We include creative opportunities that enrich our children’s learning, such as: special events, trips, visitors, outdoor learning, links with our parish church and local community in addition to the wider world.


Learners are given opportunities to work on their own, in pairs and in groups as we value the importance of talk as a tool for learning.


We assess impact of our curriculum in a variety of ways, all of which inform future planning and provision.


The impact of the curriculum on pupils is checked through conferencing to identify what pupils have learnt and remembered in each year group. Pupil’s achievement is evident in how they talk about their learning citing key information and knowledge.


Teachers and subject leads regularly check pupils’ learning to determine progress and depth of understanding. Most pupils demonstrate sustained knowledge and understanding of the planned content. Modifications are made to the curriculum where pupils need challenge or support.                                           

