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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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Term 4

During this term we celebrated 'World Book Day'. We designed a new front cover for one of our favourite books and wrote book reviews.

Here we are enjoying another visit to our school library. We love having the opportunity to get comfy and enjoy a book!

We were very lucky to have some special visitors this term- we had a group of trainee doctors come in and talk to us. We enjoyed lots of hands-on activities and got the chance to ask some questions.

To celebrate Mother's Day, we used our creative skills to make cards. We were very proud of the end result.

This term the children have been organising their own Lenten Liturgical Prayer. The children have been thinking carefully about creating a prayer table, deciding what reading to use and choosing am appropriate activity. Each group has worked incredibly well together.

There were lots of fantastic entries for the Easter competition this year. All of you put so much effort in to your creations; we are very proud of you! Thank you to our School Council for providing the prizes!

This week we used the Chromebooks to help research how to survive on a desert island. We produced a survival guide linked to our class book 'Darwin's Dragons'.

During our lesson today we had to act as Agony Aunts. One person shared a problem and the rest of us had to give advice to help them.
