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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

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Communication and Language


Communication and language is one of the three prime areas within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each prime area is divided into early learning goals, for communication and language these are:

  • Listening and attention - these skills support language learning and include the ability to discriminate sounds and maintain and monitor attention in a shared context.
  • Understanding - young children gradually develop the ability to understand words in context, beginning with single words and building on this with phrases and more and more complex sentences.
  • Speaking - this allows children to express their feelings, needs and wants, their thoughts and ideas and be able to talk about what has happened and about creative or imaginative events


Activity Ideas

  • Storytelling with homemade puppets – use old socks, lolly stick and straws
  • Singing nursery rhymes and action songs, such as Simon Says
  • Make music with saucepans and pots
  • Play guessing games – such as think of an animal and model giving clues to help your child guess the animal
  • Play memory or language board games
  • - Learn to sign the Makaton Sign of the Week