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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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Late/Absence Procedures




Contact Us

Telephone:  0117 377 2373


Contact school office Alisha Campbell or head teacher Barbara Lee for queries

  • Please telephone the school on the first morning if you child is going to be absent due to illness.
  • Please telephone the school if your child is going to be late for school – this may be due to a prearranged appointment (e.g. doctor/dentist)
  • Please ensure that the school has up to date contact details – home telephone numbers, mobiles and email addresses.
  • The school uses a texting service and emailing service to contact parents.
  • Paper copies of the information contained within this website are available.


It is the responsibility of Parents/Carers to:

· Ensure full and punctual attendance at school when the child is fit to attend thereby instilling good attendance habits.

· Comply with the School’s procedures for reporting absence/lateness

· Inform the school of reasons for non-attendance by telephone call, email or in person.

· If any child is to arrive late in school, parents should contact the school office as soon as possible (before 8.55 am).

· When the child does arrive late (after 9.10am), the parent/carer must accompany the child to the School Office to sign their child in.

· Where a child appears to be having an unacceptable level of absence due to medical reasons, the school may request that medical evidence (such as appointment cards, prescribed medication or receipts from Pharmacy purchases) be provided to cover all absences. Failure on the part of the parent to provide such medical evidence, will result in absences being recorded as unauthorised and referral to the Education Welfare Service will be considered.
