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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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CLIMATE CHANGE WEEK -Our class displays and carbon foortprint pledges

CLIMATE CHANGE WEEK - Workshops - How your lifestyle can combat Climate Change

CLIMATE CHANGE WEEK We got caught going green at home this week!




At St Bernadette, we believe that Science skills and knowledge are key to developing a respect and sense of responsibility for the world. In line with our whole school intent, we hope that children will develop an understanding that, “Scientific study is rooted in the duty to care for and safeguard Creation.“

Pope Francis Pontifical Council for Culture 18.11.17.

We aim to deliver a relevant and engaging curriculum so children make good progress in Science. We encourage children to use Science vocabulary when asking questions and giving explanations. We provide opportunities to carry out Science investigations. Children develop a knowledge of, and pride in, the Science  industries of their own city, country and world.



Science is taught following the Plan Bee Scheme of Work ensuring curriculum coverage. Depending on the Year Group, there are five or six units taught across the year. In Early Years Science, children learn about their world through play. In every lesson, the Working Scientifically skill is made explicit alongside the knowledge learning objective to ensure children become familiar with the Five Enquiry Types. Children carry out a minimum of one investigation per unit. These are tracked across the year and throughout the school to ensure there is a variety within and across units. Cross-curricular links are identified so children develop an awareness of Science in other subjects. Teachers use key questioning to construct a start-of-unit mind map of the essential knowledge covered in previous study. Key vocabulary is clearly displayed and children are encouraged to use it in oral and written explanations. Teachers assess using key questions within and at the end of each lesson. This assessment is recorded against the lesson’s learning objectives. Progression in both knowledge and skills is recorded termly. Science Week is an annual event which allows children to broaden their exploration of Science in the world around them and facilitates parental involvement. The school welcomes visiting experts and there are educational trips so children can discover for themselves the wealth of Science knowledge and skills at work in their city and beyond.  


Children make good progress and leave school with at least age related expectations. When discussing and recording their findings, children use precise, Scientific vocabulary. There is a secure knowledge of the Five Enquiry Types and children can suggest which is appropriate for an investigation. Children recognise achievement and development in Science, in Bristol and beyond, and they know Science is an evolving phenomena. Children can recognise the range of Scientists in the world around them and may aspire to a Science career. Above all, children want, and know how, to take care of their environment, their world and its future.


SCIENCE Trips and visitors to St Bernadette's

Useful Websites SCIENCE

Working Scientifically Skills Progression

Science Vocabulary Progression

National Curriculum Science Objectives
