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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

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Term 3

We welcomed Mr Amesbury in to class this week- he taught us about Catholic Social Teaching. We listened very carefully and gave some great examples of how we were living out the principles in our own lives.

During the last week of term we enjoyed a trip to the Lifeskills Centre in Bedminster. It was a great opportunity for us to learn about how to deal with different situations. We made phone calls to the emergency services and learnt some life saving First Aid.

As part of International Week, we were lucky enough to be involved in a dance workshop organised by Miss Davenport. We learnt a Square Dance which was lots of fun!

To launch International Week we all created flags linked to the countries we are learning about. We all came together for a whole school flag parade.

We were very happy to invite our families in for our first Liturgical Prayer. It was based on Pope Francis' encyclical Fratelli Tutti. We used the story of The Good Samaritan and spoke about how we could become a good global neighbour.

We were really lucky to have a Rock band' Assembly today. We enjoyed listening to different instruments and some of us even had a go at playing them!

We have been continuing our learning on Variables in games and have created a ‘catching’ game that includes a score and at least three falling objects. The objects had to fall at different speeds.

Following our Science investigation linked to the effect of exercise on our heart, we used Google Sheets to input our data and create a bar graph.

This week we explored the various time zones of North America and how these compared to other time zones around the world. It was quite tricky to work out what time it was in different parts of the world!

Inspired by the work of Leonid Afremov, we used palette knives to help recreate his art work. We have tried to create texture when painting our background and will build up the colour when this layer has dried. Check back to see our finished pieces!

As part of our Science Topic 'Healthy Me', we conducted an investigation to find out the effect of exercise on our heart. We chose different exercises to complete, measured our heart rate and recorded our results in a table. We were very tired afterwards!

During our Computing lesson we used our own design to create a project with sprites. When you clicked on each sprite, the score changed.

This week we have been learning about the physical features of North America. We worked in groups to create posters, using the Chromebooks to conduct research.

We have been learning about the human circulatory system. We created life size drawings to help us understand how water and nutrients are transported around the body.

We were really lucky to have a First Aid Workshop this week. During the session we learnt what to do in different medical situations and how we could help others.

In Art this term our topic is called 'Cityscapes'. This week we looked at the paintings of Leonid Afremov and had a go at using some of his techniques ready for our own 'Cityscape' painting next week. It was tricky using the palette knives but we enjoyed creating texture.
