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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

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Getting Ready for School

Practical Tips to practise over the holidays: 

  • Putting on their own shoes and coat.
  • Dressing themselves in their own school uniform and p.e kit.
  • Toileting alone and wash hands?
  • Being aware of their own property ie; lunch box/drink/school bag/clothing. 
  • Writing their name and recognising it. 
  • Help them use a knife and fork if accessing school dinners or to open pots/lids/packets etc if having packed lunch. 
  • Encourage them to hold a pencil/pen correctly. 
  • Practise how to use scissors correctly. 
  • Play games to ensure turn taking. 
  • Label everything
  • Be positive when speaking about your child’s next stage of education. 

The Pacey website has a ‘Starting School Together booklet’, a useful children’s reading book to buy called ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School’ with supporting activities and a ‘Supporting School Readiness plan’. 

Building kids' resilience and confidence

How do you help build your child's confidence and resilience? Teacher and child psychologist Jean Gross shares her tips for helping children believe in themselves.
