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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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Term 6

During our science lesson, we worked in pairs to test our reflexes. We had to hold our hand out ready and catch the ruler as quickly as we could. Some of us had super quick reflexes!

Our class had a brilliant time making our own sandwiches and fruit kebabs. We followed instructions that we had written and then enjoyed what we made during our picnic.

During our Science topic 'Super Scientists' we learnt about how to make a circuit. We carefully connected all of the equipment to make the bulb light up.

We had a fantastic time during Sports Day. Everyone tried their very best and we all enjoyed our races!

Year 2 had another great Science week guest today! Mr Chimenti came in to talk to us about being a doctor. He brought in his Doctor's bag and let us use all of his special equipment!

We were really lucky to have Cohen's mum come in and talk to us about the heart. She works in the Heart Institute so was able to tell us lots of facts and even took our blood pressure.

During Science week we have been busy doing lots of experiments. On Monday we arranged some skittles around the edge of the plate and added warm water. We loved seeing the colours merge together and create lovely patterns.

During our science lesson we investigated the effect gravity has on everyday objects. We made helicopters and added different amounts of paperclips to see which one fell the quickest.
