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St Bernadette

Catholic Primary School

Well done to this weeks Attendance Champions - Year 3- 100% !!!!
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We began our 'Electricity' topic this week. Our first lesson involved us exploring different electrical components and trying to create a circuit. Once we had completed the circuit, we had a go at drawing an accurate diagram using symbols.

During our 'Living Things' topic, we learnt about classifying plants. We went around the school grounds finding lots of plants and then used an app to identify them. We realised how lucky we were to have so many beautiful flowers growing around us.

As part of learning linked to 'Light', we conducted experiments to investigate what happened to a shadow when we changed the distance of an object from the light source.

To help us learn how light is reflected, we made periscopes. It was fun to go around the school as secret spies!

This week we started our new topic on 'Light'. We investigated how light travels.

We completed an investigation to see if exercise effected our heart rate. We used Google Sheets to record our results and create a graph.

We have been learning about the human circulatory system. We created life size drawings to help us understand how water and nutrients are transported around the body.
